Saturday, October 10, 2009

Take a Fall Literary Walk!

Since our fair weather days are are almost over, now would be a perfect time to take a walk and read all of the Literary Pavers in downtown Pocatello, located on Main St., Arthur, and some of the side streets in between. The Pocatello Arts Council has been working on the project for several years, and there are 24 pavers now. Find a printable list of all the pavers and their locations here, to use as a walking guide. I have enjoyed Sunday mornings paver walks because downtown is very deserted then, and I can read the poems aloud without anyone around to think I'm deranged and talking to myself. Poetry always has a fuller dimension when read aloud, I think. They also have an online gallery of photoes of all the pavers, if you want to read the full text of the poems later or when they are covered with snow.

While doing a paver walk, you may also want to detour over to the Portneuf Greenway poem stones (Bruce Embree and Anne Mullin) which are located near the green bridge and Pre-History Park. Look for the South Downtown Reach map on the Portneuf Greenway web page; it's east on West Halliday, near S. Arthur.


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